The Sexuals

Introduction to OPS: Part 7

Believe it or not, we introduced 128 types in our introductory series so far. In order of importance, we talked about the Human Needs, the Letters and the Animals.

The Human Needs give the types their foundation. Letters and Animals give more nuance to how the Human Needs are expressed.

But unfortunately, we're not finished. As ridiculous as it sounds, 128 types are not enough. We’re not even finished with the variations on the Human Needs.

We still need more complexity because two people of the same 128-type can come across as quite different.

But with more complexity comes more clarity. For this reason, more types can make typing actually easier.

The new part we add in this article is a sexual component to the functions—as weird as that sounds. As it turns out, every cognitive Function is either feminine or masculine.

The sexual energy of the functions captures if the function is pushy and aggressive or flexible and movable.

Sexual Energy of Functions

What the hell does it mean?

First of all, we're not talking about biological sex. We're talking about the abstract concepts of femininity and masculinity.

A cognitive function is feminine if its expression is movable and flowy, non-confrontational, and forgetful.

A function is masculine if it’s non-movable, pushy, aggressive, and solid.

Feminine and masculine functions come in pairs. One of your Deciders is always feminine and the other is masculine. It’s the same with the observers.

This means that people aren’t simply feminine or masculine. Everybody has a feminine and masculine side.

The question is: What are your feminine and what are your masculine parts?

To see how we track these parts, let's take a look at the Observers first.


Tracking femininity and masculinity in the coins is a bit weird and different from the other parts.

With the observers, we track the feminine or masculine side of the Sensory. So we ask: is your Sensory masculine or feminine? Savior or Demon doesn't matter here.

You could have masculine Sensory and feminine Intuition, those always go together. The Human Need doesn't matter.

In this case, you tend to be physically pushy—literally, when it comes to things—and you're more specific with sensory details.

You also tend to memorise events in a timeline. There is a sequential order to your memory.

In contrast, you're movable with your intuition and ideas and you have a hard time holding on to abstract concepts.

In the other case, you have feminine Sensory and masculine Intuition. You’re literally less pushy with physical things and you’re less concerned with sensory specifics. You can also be more forgetful about sensory details.

Conversely, you have an easier time remembering concepts and ideas. You tend to have a visual memory and you tend to push with ideas and concepts.


With the deciders, we track the feminine or masculine aspect of your Tribe Human Need. Again, Savior or Demon doesn't matter.

First case, your De is masculine and your Di feminine.

This means that you see the tribe as aggressive and unmovable and you tend to push against it. You're more accepting of conflict on the front end.

Conversely, your identity is feminine. It's movable, it's flexible, and you feel the need to protect it.

Second case, your De is feminine and your Di is masculine.

You see the tribe as feminine and movable. You tend to avoid conflict on the front end. You engage in a more indirect and feminine way with other people.

With that, your identity is masculine, it's solid and secure. You prefer to not move it for others. Your aggressive side comes out later when you feel that conflict can no longer be avoided.

This is how we track feminine and masculine energy in the types.


Our notation follows the definition of the coins. Since we have two coins for the sexuals, we have four variations for every type.

We denote them with FF, FM, MF, and MM. We call the FFs the “Double Feminines” and the MMs the “Double Masculines.”

We usually call the FMs the “Visuals” and the MFs “Audios” because it relates to how these types process information. We’ll probably talk about that more in a future article.

In this two-letter code, the first letter stands for the sexual of the Sensory and the second letter stands for the sexual of the De.

This means that

  • the FFs have feminine sensory and feminine De.

  • The Visuals have feminine sensory and masculine De.

  • The Audios have masculine sensory and feminine De,

  • and for the MMs both are masculine.

Please remember that the MMs technically aren’t more masculine than the other types. Every type has two masculine and two feminine functions in any case.

MMs are the types that come across as more masculine in the classical sense. The FFs usually come across as more feminine, while the Visuals and Audios are in the middle of the spectrum.

But everyone has a masculine and a feminine side. The MMs are just more masculine with the external world, while it’s the opposite for the FFs. They are more aggressive on the inside.

While we do not track Saviors and Demons with the sexuals, they do have an influence on the expression of feminine and masculine functions. But that’s another topic for a future article.


Four sexual variations times 128 types make 512 types in total. We call them the OPS-512, or simply the OPS types.

These types are centred around the Human Needs. So people with the same 512-type express the Human Needs in the same way.

But we're not finished. There are still more types and one more introductory article.

That last article will be about an aspect of OPS that is a brand-new addition to the System. It’s not about the cognitive functions. It’s about what you use the functions for.

Because two people of the same 512 type can still be rather different. One explanation might be where they see themselves on the social hierarchy.

What is that and how does it work? We’ll explain everything in the next article.


Social Types


The Animals