The Practical Blog

Follow Your Curiosity

Deep Dives into Personality, Growth and Lifestyle Design

Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

How to Let Go

Michael Singer has achieved a level of success that most people can only dream of. He built a billion-dollar company, wrote multiple bestsellers, and more. But what if I told you he never planned or hustle for any of this?

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

Why IxxPs Struggle with Authenticity

Most people think IxxPs don’t care about others’ opinions. I think the opposite is the case. They care way too much—which is the root of their pain.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

No One Can Teach You Anything

Are you into self-help literature, but nothing ever sticks? Are you still in the same place you were a few years ago? If so, you’re probably missing the crucial ingredient for change.

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Holly Munro Holly Munro

Who Needs Friends

Do you need friends? Well—we all do, but some people appear to have a stronger drive to create connections than others. Friends are important for everyone, but not for everyone in the same way.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

No One Owes You Anything

Do you live in scarcity or abundance? Whatever it is, it’s your choice. Truth is, no one owes you anything. But that doesn’t matter since you already have everything you need.

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Holly Munro Holly Munro

From Confusion to Clarity

Trying to capture what NF exactly is, probably represent an inherent contradiction. We just know that different NFs can lead to misunderstanding. But as long as you remember that communication is a two-way street, you can always find your way out.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

How to Build Self-Worth

You have no right to the fruits of your labour, you only own the labour. True self-worth cannot be built on outside accomplishments. It must come from the inside through an attitude of surrender.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

The Benefits and Perils of a Strong Self-Image

IxxPs build a solid self-image of who they’d like to be. This is a blessing and a curse. It’s one of the pieces you need to find your way in life. Unfortunately, another part is painfully missing.

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Holly Munro Holly Munro

Fi vs Fe: When They Collide

Fi and Fe show attraction in different ways and have different needs. If you’re not aware of that, collisions easily happen. But with awareness come solutions.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

How to Start Meditating

Awareness is where change begins. As you observe the movement of your breath, you gain insight into the movement of your mind. As you find deeper understanding, the change you want becomes inevitable.

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Holly Munro Holly Munro

Clash of the Masculine NTs

There is no perfect formula to calculate romantic compatibility. But there are a few key principles to pay attention to, so you can build the relationship you want. Here’s what works for us.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

Know Your Differences

Objective Personality gives us a map for using the tools we have to create connection. We know what we can do, what others need and how to bridge the gap.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

How to be Responsible

Responsibility is a spectrum between the binary ends of Generalise and Specialise. No matter where you fall on it, embrace your role and own your responsibility.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

How to Get Away with Moping

Every Mope struggles with Demon Tribe issues. But the Double-Deciders among them find their balance. How? Here are two lessons I learned from Neil Gaiman.

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Holly Munro Holly Munro

Projection Ruins Everything

Projection is the distorted lens through which you perceive reality, like wearing tinted glasses that only show the colours you want to see. Unchecked, it can ruin everything.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

No More Tidal Waves

Some moments hit you “seemingly” out of nowhere. The wave crashes upon you and you’re drowning. You can’t breathe and panic spreads throughout your body. You’ve been hit by a tidal wave.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

Ego Death for Beginners

People think personality typing is fast, fun, and easy. If you do it right, it’s hard, painful and takes time. But it’s more than worth it.

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

First Know Yourself

Objective typing is about understanding others deep down. But how are you supposed to know others if you don’t know yourself?

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Felix Canavoi Felix Canavoi

The Introversion Spectrum

Introversion/extroversion is an important aspect of personal growth but it’s often misunderstood. We explain how the spectrum unfolds from the lens of OPS.

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